If this doesn’t alarm you, then the United States will fall if this is really allowed to continue. The bill by Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar, introduced an anti-Islamophobia bill that would create a special envoy to monitor “Islamophobia” around the world. It was passed with a vote of 219-212. All the Democrat members of the house voted for the bill while all the members of the Republican party voted against it.
The group Understanding the Threat organization has alerted the American people of this! Please read the following to fully understand what this bill introduces:
Last night, 219 democrats voted in favor of House Resolution 5665 which establishes the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia and addresses related issues inside the U.S. Department of State. This is the culmination of over 20 years of work by the Global Islamic Movement to impose the Islamic Law of Slander on Americans. In Islam, Slander is a capital crime and is legally defined as to say anything about Islam/muslims that a muslim would “dislike.”
The bill was authored by jihadi Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.
The entire Islamic world under the banner of the OIC – the largest voting block in the UN made up of every Islamic nation on earth – approved The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in 1990 and served it to the UN 3 years later. The Cairo Declaration legally defines “Human Rights” as the ‘Imposition of Sharia’ and the OIC’s 2005 10-Year Plan calls for the criminalization of “Islamophobia” which is defined as “Slandering Islam.”
Now, 219 democrats have done the will of the Global Islamic Movement. Read the article below for more details and facts/evidence related to this hostile operation by America’s adversaries.

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By allowing this religion to run the government of the United States will be disastrous. It was lauded by The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO). The made a statement.
The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), on behalf of our member institutions and American Muslims, commend Reps Ilhan Omar (MN-05) and Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) for introducing – and the US House for passing – the Combating International Islamophobia Act. We also thank President Joseph Biden for announcing his crucial support of this important legislation hours before the House vote.
Special gratitude goes to Ilhan Omar for personally carrying USCMO’s request for the appointment of a US Envoy to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia to Pres. Biden immediately after his inauguration early this year.
USCMO members and our constituencies also salute Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Senate Foreign Relations Committee members Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) for also introducing the Act’s Senate companion bill yesterday. The bill will require the Department of State to establish a Special Envoy to track and prevent Islamophobia worldwide.
“If this bill passes into law, as we hope, it will greatly help our legislators and US officials to learn the causes and spread of anti-Muslim hatred and violence and to create a complete and well-implemented strategy to combat this growing scourge at its roots throughout the world,” said USCMO Sec. Gen. Oussama Jammal. “The diplomatic and practical effects of this law and the appointment of a US State Department Special Envoy on Islamophobia will be nothing less than dramatic. It will establish the US as a global leader in combating Islamophobia.”
This CAN NOT STAND! See the links on the side of this web site for more information on Understanding the Threat.

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