Doctor with Fantastic information on Covid Care


So all along, many of us believed that there has been false information going around on Covid, mainly the CDC, FDA, WHO and even some doctors. Now, there is an interview with a Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. An American doctor that has been fighting the lies and the Covid 19 pandemic. He was in the middle of it, trying to save his patients. He is a board certified Family Practice Physician with over 20 years of experience.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

He was able to reduced the death rate to 85% survivability using his treatment plans early on during the pandemic. He has also treated several world leaders including President Donald Trump. More information on more videos like this one at

Important notes from the video (below):
At the 5:50 minute mark, his first treatment plan.
8:00 minute mark, he explains the conflict of interest between government and pharmaceuticals.
10:00 minute mark, fraudulent study found (The Lancet Study)
11:15 minute mark, why Zinc is important
12:15 minute mark Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Quercetin, EGCG explanation of what works
13:45 minute mark explains the covid disease/ how is works
15:30 minute mark Dr. Luc Montagnair, Discovered HIV, says not to take the vaccines
15:56 minute mark Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Patient Holder, says not to take the vaccines, government is lying to you
16:10 minute mark Dr. Michael Yaden, ex-CEO of Pfizer/Scientist in Laboratory development, says its these are the worst vaccines he has ever seen
18:30 Bill Gates‘s role in this (his theory) look up: Google 2015 Gates Ted Lecture
20:00 Dr. Ralph Baric, Genetic Engineer, 1999 made a bat virus and hold patents of the virus
21:20 explains 1-18 have a 99.998 survival rate without treatment
21:45 explains 18-45 have a 99.95 survival rate without treatment
24:35 explains if someone has been immunized, they are at risk like a 95 year old patient
25:00 explains why the winter and fall have more possible cases and how to protect yourself

His website:
Prevention: Vitamin D3, Zinc, Vitamin C, Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine or Quercetin (If Quercetin is unavailable, then use Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG). Doses are on his website.
Treatment: Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Azithromycin or Doxycycline, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and/or Ivermectin. Doses are on his website.

Part 1 below.

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