J6 Rally in DC, FBI arrests Federal Officer

FBI Arrests FBI at J6

Saturday, Sept. 18 was the date for the “J6 Rally,” organized by a political advocacy group called Look Ahead America. Funny how this “Rally” was not advertised in the circles of MAGA somehow, but there was some anticipation of a huge turn out. 

Yet the media and the Democrats painted a far more sinister picture. CNN warned, “Renewed fears of political violence grip Capitol Hill ahead of right-wing rally.” The Biden administration cautioned, “DHS intelligence bulletin warns of small number of online threats of violence ahead of Justice for J6 rally.” I don’t recall seeing similar warnings ahead of the many BLM protests last summer.

What ended up being the case though, was there were more police, reporters and undercover intelligence agents than protesters at the J6 rally in Washington DC. The only person arrested on Saturday was a federal officer and he was armed.

How stupid do these people look?

The AP reported:

A federal law enforcement officer was arrested carrying a gun at Saturday’s rally at the U.S. Capitol billed to support the suspects charged in January’s insurrection but will not be prosecuted.

The 27-year-old New Jersey man is an officer with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. He was arrested by Capitol Police for illegally possessing a gun on the grounds of the Capitol after people in the crowd reported seeing him with a handgun and notified nearby officers.

Generally, under federal law, law enforcement officers are given reciprocity to legally carry their weapons in other states, even those with restrictive gun laws. But the law has an exemption for government property or military bases where it is illegal to carry a gun, like the U.S. Capitol.

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington said prosecutors were “not moving forward with charges” but did not provide additional information about the decision.

Two law enforcement officials said the officer was not at the rally in any official capacity. The officials could not discuss the matter publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity. The Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general was also notified of his arrest.

So the Federal Agency/ (using it’s “judgement”) the US Attorney’s office in DC, has declined to prosecute him and would not offer any further details.

Was January 6 a giant set-up, an entrapment scheme by the FBI to blame Trump supporters and other innocents? Tucker Carlson explained how the many “unindicted co-conspirators on legal documents” were likely undercover FBI agents, attempting to entrap then arrest innocent protesters wandering through the Capitol that afternoon.