American Fundamentalism has Changed

Lawrence Sellin Interview

American fundamentalism has changed, and not for the good. Joe Biden is continuing the trajectory, in which Obama corrupted the military along with the Justice Department, the medical community, the Judiciary, and every other department in the massive US government. What was highlighted by Dr. Lawrence Sellin, an expert of science and the military, summarized the current status of the US military. Dr. Sellin said what many already knew, but this was spoken from someone that was once on the inside.

The US military and the US intelligence agencies have become politicized. So they have become incompetent and untrustworthy. They have also become unaccountable for their mistakes because they’re now part of the political apparatus.

The evacuation from Afghanistan was a disaster. Then 13 American soldiers were killed in a suicide attack which the US military had prior warning. All of that looked terrible for the Biden regime. It was then decided a show of force would look good politically and two drone strikes were conducted. It’s not clear if the first drone strike in Kandahar Province did anything more than put a hole in the ground. The second strike killed an innocent family. The Pentagon tried to cover up its failure but got caught. It’s that simple.

Dr. Sellin is a retired US Army Colonel.  Sellin shared on WION, here is the 3 min and 28 minute interview:  Youtube Link

We have a lot of work ahead of us to clean up America, it’s institutions, education of children and institute controls to never see it corrupted like this again.