Once again, Government listen to the WRONG groups


Website Gateway Pundit is under attack, by a “fact checking” site partnered with the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the World Health Organization and a slew of major corporations. They are taking aim at The Gateway Pundit for leading coverage on the election audits. A group called NewsGuard is providing major government departments with “legitimate information” as they think so.

According to a weblink, NewsGuard is a journalism and technology company that rates the credibility of news and information websites and tracks online misinformation. It operates a browser extension and mobile apps for consumers as well as services for businesses, including a brand safety tool for advertisers and services for search engines, social media apps, cybersecurity firms, government agencies.

The “misinformation site” Gateway Pundit dominates coverage of Maricopa County’s election audit, as its reports comprise at least 12 percent of all audit coverage, News Guard’s warns in its monthly Misinformation Monitor newsletter.

“The Gateway Pundit— Red-rated (meaning generally unreliable) conservative news and commentary website with a history of advancing false claims — has published 263 articles about the audit of Maricopa County election results between when U.S. President Joe Biden took office on Jan. 20, 2021, and June 20, 2021, making it the most prolific online publisher promoting the Arizona audit,” the newsletter states.

Last August, News Guard, which gives a green rating to CNN, Rolling Stone, the New York Times, HuffPost, NBC News, MSNBC, PolitiFact, the Washington Post, and BuzzFeed, won a Pentagon-State Department contest for detecting COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation. The company subsequently receive $25,000 from the Pentagon to work with the State Department’s Global Engagement Center to develop the DoD’s Cyber National Mission Force.

Just the fact that it gives “credit” to the sources above…. you can see where they align with.

NewsGuard Partners

NewsGuard Partners

This NewsGuard, Absolutely NO basis in facts.
This is strictly a government propaganda machine dealing in lies and personal opinions.

Someone fact check this: Repeat a big lie often enough and people will begin to believe it. – Joseph Goebbles, Nazi Propaganda Minister

