Georgia Voter Group, Fulton County bad, but worse to be Seen

A group called VoterGA released a report yesterday indicating based on new information that the results in several counties may be worse than Fulton County. They are now calling for a full forensic audit of Georgia.

The Gateway Pundit article is here.


VoterGA Press Release

VoterGA Press Release

Many are asking for all 50 STATES to get audits.

At this point, it would take forever to audit all states. We have NOT completed a single audit yet and we are just 15 months and 2 weeks from the next election. At the pace we are going (no completed audits in 8 months plus), we will be lucky to get five done by the next election (and that assumes some speed-up with experience). If we waste energy on all kinds of Trump-won states and counties, we will not even have proven theft in even five states. That makes NO sense.

Concentrate on the few battleground states that turned the Election into a Steal: GA, PA, MI, WI, AZ and NV. Among them, they have 79 electoral votes, more than enough to show that the Election was taken away from the voters.