Court Packing is on the Democrat Agenda

Expand the Court

Democrats will reportedly unveil a bill Thursday to pack the Supreme Court by expanding the number of justices from nine to thirteen, with the four new vacancies to be filled immediately by President Joe Biden and the Democrat-controlled Senate. This is also known as “Court Packing”.

The bill, which is sponsored by Reps. Mondaire Jones and Jerry Nadler of New York, Hank Johnson of Georgia, and Sen. Ed. Markey of Massachusetts. It’s remarkable to see how Democrats have gone from rhetorically supporting court-packing to actually writing bills that would enforce their radical vision of the court.

The bill comes less than a week after Joe Biden signed an executive order creating a commission to study the question of whether the Supreme Court should be expanded. The commission is headed by partisan Democrats. However, left-wing Democrats warned that the commission could be used to thwart their desired changes rather than advancing them.

The interesting part is, From Breitbart News:

Expanding the Supreme Court to 13 justices would give liberal justices a nominal 7-6 majority. Congress can set the size of the Supreme Court without a constitutional amendment, though the last president who tried to pack the Supreme Court, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was opposed by his own party.

His effort is viewed by historians as a crude power grab — but one that ultimately convinced the Court to stop striking down his New Deal legislation and to allow government powers to grow.

Democrats have NO respect for the constitution.

They have NO respect for the U.S.

They ignore EVERYTHING positive about this country.

They CONSTANTLY look for shortcuts to ATTAIN MORE POWER.

US Supreme Court Justices 2021

US Supreme Court Justices 2021