Here we go USA, Slavery Reparations are on the Horizon

Sheila Jackson Lee for HR 40

So, the US House Judiciary Committee, run by Democrats, is expected to advance legislation to the House floor, the bill, H.R. 40, is an act to create a commission to study and develop reparation proposals for black people. Democrats believe they can leverage recent civil unrest related to police misconduct as well as opposition to new red-state voter laws and anger over wealth disparities to help push the bill into law.

Wow, open the US Vault of money! Let’s get a longer list started. Black for slaves, Mexicans for land, Japanese for Encampments, British for their war loss, what else?????

This is so stupid…. I mean come on….

This is from the Washington Post:

While the reparations bill was first introduced more than three decades ago by the late Rep. John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, the measure gained traction in the last two years after Democrats regained control of Congress and a new racial justice movement spread across the nation.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat from Texas, told CBS News last week, “The timing is great.”

The bill has 175 Democratic co-sponsors in the House, representing the majority of the caucus. In addition to studying reparations, the measure would task a commission with studying the harms caused to black people by both slavery and subsequent racial discrimination.

Liberal groups say the bill is long overdue.

“During the 32 years in which the bill has languished in Congress, many years have been wasted, many lives lost, and untold sorrows of African descendants have continued and abounded,” Kamm Howard, co-chairman of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, told a House panel earlier this year. “America would, in fact, be greater today if it had acted correctly at any time in its past. Even still, the opportunity for true greatness can begin with the rightful action of this 117th Congress.”

We, the “United States taxpayers” are paying for this SHIT.

Let me help, this is SUCH a BULLSHIT bill.  Democrats are all trying to buy votes, it’s as simple as that….

Sheila Jackson Lee for HR 40

Sheila Jackson Lee for HR 40