New Signed Bill “For the People” is a load

Bill through Congress

The bill is H.R. 1, also named “For the People” is 791 pages long — a massive piece of legislation and loaded with every representative’s wet dream, which was adopted with little examination or debate. Some provisions in the bill — like expanding access for voters with disabilities, improving election security, and ensuring that all voting machines use in U.S. elections are also manufactured in the U.S. — are tame. Now, let’s look at a the real big issues…

Here are a few key points, there is more on, they have 37 listed!

Federal control over congressional elections: The bill begins by declaring that “Congress finds that it has broad authority to regulate the time, place, and manner of congressional elections under the Elections Clause of the Constitution.” The Constitution actually gives primary authority to the States, but allows Congress to “make or alter such Regulations.” The House Democrats interpret this provision as dramatically as possible to override the states.

No Photo ID required to Vote: The bill declares that photo ID, “burdensome” voter registration procedures, purges of ineligible voters, restrictions on vote-by-mail, rules against felons voting, and other measures that states and municipalities have taken to guarantee the integrity of elections are, in fact, “restrictions on the right to vote.” It also suggests these are forms of “racial discrimination” and “systemic racism.”

Restricting challenges to H.R. 1 to the federal court system in D.C.: The bill declares that the only courts with jurisdiction to hear challenges to its constitutionality, or to the validity of regulations promulgated under the law, are courts within Washington, D.C. — a notoriously Democrat-friendly jurisdiction. That minimizes the chances that any challenges could be brought to more conservatives courts, or to judges appointed by past Republican presidents.

Automatic and online voter registration: The bill requires every state to make sure “all eligible citizens are registered to vote in elections for Federal office” unless individuals opt out. It also requires states to make voter registration available online. It allows voters who have no other signatures on file with the state to supply their signatures when requesting a ballot. The state may not request more than the last four digits of the applicant’s Social Security number.

Protection for illegal aliens who are registered to vote: The bill protects non-citizens from prosecution if they are registered to vote automatically and never made an affirmative declaration that they were U.S. citizens. Agencies that register voters are not required to keep records of who declined to affirm their citizenship.

Changing personal information at polling places: Voters are allowed to change their address and other information at polling places, other than on Election Day itself, and are allowed to cast regular, not provisional, ballots on that basis.

Same-day voter registration: “Each State shall permit any eligible individual on the day of a Federal election and on any day when voting, including early voting, is permitted for a Federal election—to register to vote in such election at the polling place … [and] to cast a vote in such election.” The provision includes a clause that requires same-day voter registration to be implemented in time for the upcoming elections in 2022 — when Democrats fear losing the House.

Registration for minors (under 18): States must register citizens to vote, voluntarily or automatically, as long as they are over 16 (even though they cannot vote yet). Automatic registration will apply to students who register for courses at college. The bill provides funds for “States to carry out a plan to increase the involvement of individuals under 18 years of age in public election activities in the State.” High schools are also required to provide voter registration information to students before graduation.

Prohibiting the publication of misleading information: The bill makes it a federal crime to “communicate or cause to be communicated information” that is knowingly false about an election, and designed to discourage voting, within 60 days of and election. The sentence: up to five years. The bill also makes it a crime to claim a false political endorsement.

Mandatory early voting: “Each State shall allow individuals to vote in an election for Federal office during an early voting period which occurs prior to the date of the election, in the same manner as voting is allowed on such date.” Early voting must begin no later than 15 days before Election Day, including weekends, and must allow for 10 hours of voting each day, including some hours before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m.

Nationwide vote-by-mail, without photo ID: States are required to provide for absentee vote by mail in elections for Federal office — and “may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot.” A signature can be required — but not a witness signature. And once an individual applies for vote-by-mail once, he or she must be considered to have applied for vote-by-mail forever.

Allowing politicians to use campaign funds for personal use: Under a provision called the “Help America Run Act,” the bill legalizes what had previously been considered a violation of federal law, and allows candidates for federal office to use campaign donations for personal expenses such as child care — as long as they do not already hold federal office.

Removing restrictions on IRS targeting: The bill appears to reverse provisions that restrained the Internal Revenue Service from targeting tax-exempt organizations and their donors, which were applied after the IRS scandal of 2013.

These are a few that I think are HORRIBLE for our democracy. In fact, these will ruin what makes America free and fair. These are complete bullshit!