Mike Lindell lays out the Evidence

Mike Lindell - Evidence Video

Mike Lindell, the founder and CEO of My Pillow products has pulled together his resources to lay out the proof of election fraud that occured.  He has a 28 minute video, a 2 hour video, and there is a 16 minute video that was produced by someone else with evidence as well.

Mike Lindell Videos to see all the video selections.  See screen shots below.

In his 28 minute video, he lays out the technological proof from a cyber security expert that has the IP Tracing that went on that night.  The evidence in the tech side is the real deal and is the REAL EVIDENCE to proof this happened.

The evidence shows the IP addressing, the country of the computers origin, who it attacked in the United States and the computer name. See the 12 minute 45 second (12:45) mark of the video.

This is essentially the “video of the crime commited” captured on a security camera that would put a crimminal in jail!

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Election Fraud IPs Evidence

Election Fraud IPs Evidence

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