Georgia Election – mathmatical proven Fraud

Edward Solomon Screenshot

A mathmatician has anylzed the voting numbers and in his professional opinion, there is NO way this was a real election. His video shows how he can mathmatically arrive at this conclusion along with other data and findings.  His name is Edward Solomon has also reviewed other elections from other states, mainly Pennsylvannia, Michigan and Georgia.  He is DARING Dominion Voting Systems to sue him.  He is that confindent and has mathmatics to back up his claim.

Edward Solomon knows the counties that use Dominion or ES&S voting systems, they are essentially the same, he knows the systems and he knows mathmatics.

Dominion Counties Used- USA

Dominion Counties Used- USA

He found the stealing algorithm gave Trump 1 vote for every 18 total votes in a precint. Essentialy, 5.5555% that was passed around to precincts to modify the vote in FAVOR of Biden, and one can clearly see that using a distribution of ratios of the votes in the precints.

Natural Distributions of GCD’s for a Candidate (numerator) divided by the Total Number of Votes (denominator) in a Precinct.

No matter how many phony PHD’s from Princeton some guy has, he can’t refute that Democrats violated the Laws of Geometry and Euler’s Theorem concerning Irreducible Fractions (Euler proved this in the 18th Century).

Edward Solomon Screenshot

Edward Solomon Screenshot


Edward Solomon Screenshot - math analysis

Edward Solomon Screenshot – math analysis

ES&S Voting Systems and Dominion Voting Systems share the same Architecture, same Software and same Firmware.  Its possible that the votes were changed in transmission from the Scytl Systems (Servers) that reside in Germany and Spain.

Edward Solomon Investigative work:

Hundreds of more examples:

Here is his 2 minute interview on the findings from OAN News or click on the link.


For those who have time to watch his 50 minute video on the proof, where he covers all the bases, is here on YouTube.

Oh, and if you haven’t seen the late night ballot drop that was recorded the night of the election, 3:30 am and 4:30 am. Under THEIR OWN election laws, were not VALID or LEGAL.  Not to mention, they WERE ALL FAKE anyway!

Wisc-Mich Fraud Graph

Wisc-Mich Fraud Graph

Here is the video of the drop off (7 mins long).

Link in case it does not play,


My Electoral College Map

My Electoral College Map