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Facebook-Twitter-Icons Censorship

Those reading this can take action today. Here’s a personal list of mine to quickly divorce yourself from Big Tech today:

• Remove all Google, Apple, and other Big Tech downloads from your computer. Substitute Chrome for the Brave browser, or any other privacy oriented browser (others will attest to Pale Moon and the like).

• Remove Google as your homepage and/or search bar. Swisscows, Startpage, or Qwant are among the top privacy oriented browsers.

• Delete Gmail and any other email accounts from Big Tech providers. Choose Tutanota, CTemplar, Protonmail, or any other provider free from Big Tech.

• Cancel any subscriptions to Apple TV, Google Play, YouTubeTV, or any other streaming service provided by Big Tech.

• Suspend payment to ITunes, Google Play store, and the like.

A man’s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box, and the cartridge-box.”
Fredrick Douglas

If they take away your Ballot box then the other two will also be surely gone.