Smartmatic Report from Lou Dobbs – CNN 2006

CNN 2006 Lou Dobbs Report - Smartmatic

Here is a video “CNN: 2006 Lou Dobbs Investigates – Democracy at Risk Smartmatic, Venezuela” on youtube.

CNN 2006 Lou Dobbs Report - Smartmatic

CNN 2006 Lou Dobbs Report – Smartmatic

Antonio Mohica and Alfredo Anzolo

Antonio Mohica and Alfredo Anzolo

Smartmatic bought Sequoia

Smartmatic bought Sequoia

Gustavo Colonel - FMR Venezuelan Congress Member

Gustavo Colonel – FMR Venezuelan Congress Member

Harvard Mathmatian

Harvard Mathmatian

Jack Blain - President of Smartmatic

Jack Blain – President of Smartmatic

Here is a figure of where the voting equipment is used in the United States.

Dominion used in the US

Dominion used in the US