Election Night – 2nd Video Evidence of Vote Switching

CNN Election night Florida Numbers

So, now another recorded instance of vote switching live on election night. It looks like  early on in the election night that has CNN discussing the Florida results. This was CNN doing their broadcast.

Video is Chutzpah Chai on his Rumble account. See the screen shots with the evidence below and another user’s video below.

Here is what you will see:

Start of video FL total votes are:

Trump  4,703,730
Biden   4,684,524

At the end of the video the totals on the screen are for FL are:

Trump 4,691,080.     -12,650 votes
Biden   4,702,366.     +17,843 votes

A net change of +30,492 for Biden.

How can a VOTE COUNT GO DOWN, THEY ALL should be GOING UP. This is vote manipulaton at the core.


Here are the screen captures as well. Here is Before:

CNN Election night Florida Numbers

CNN Election night Florida Numbers

Here is After:

CNN Election night Florida Numbers-2

CNN Election night Florida Numbers-2

What does this tell you? All over the country this was happening to all sorts of votes.