John Kasich now considered ex-GOP

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John Kasich (R) former Ohio state governor is a little bitch. Once on the FoxNews channel covering for anchors like Bill O’Reilly and others, has gone full turn-coat.  He has appeared on the Democratic National Convention this week expressing his misgivings of the President. When he appeared at the 2020 Democratic National Convention via a video, here is what he said.

Criticizing the president, Kasich argued that “many of us have been deeply concerned about the current path we’ve been following for the past four years. It’s a path that’s led to division, disfunction, irresponsibility and growing vitriol between our citizens. Continuing to follow that path will have terrible consequences for America’s soul because we’re being taken down the wrong road by a president who has pitted one against the other.” Kasich emphasized that “I’m a lifelong Republican, but that attachment holds second place to my responsibility to my country. That’s why I’ve chosen to appear at this convention.”

I’m NOT deeply concerned.  This Twit has NO BACKBONE.  What was the bad direction? The best economy since Ronald Reagan, before the Chinese Virus?  Kasich is on the wrong side, its the Democrats that are divisive!  Oh, and HE WAS a Republican….

And pushing back against comments by the president hours earlier that Biden would be a “trojan horse for socialism,” Kasich emphasized “I don’t believe that because I now the measure of the man is reasonable, faithful, respectful. And you know, no one pushes Joe Biden around.”

The problem is, Biden is a push over and has been in political power WAY TOO long! That’s 40 years and nothing to show for it…. leadership my ass.  Biden was part of the Oblama 8 year mess.  Yeah, tie your wagon to that!  Here is the video if it shows up.

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John, the only one who will be abandoned is you and the three other Turncoats speaking at the Marxist Infomercial. You just can’t get over the fact that the President wiped his butt with you back in 16.