Which side do you fall on this story? This will provide a good indication on where you get your news. It might surprise you what people and sources said about the Covington High School teens at the Pro-Life rally in Washington DC.
- You believe in the news cast and everything reported?
- You did not believe in some or little of that they reported?
The picture shows kids wearing MAGA hats, having a “smirk” on their face and seemingly in the face of Nathan Phillips the “native American Indian” group, and the “black Hebrew Israelites” (a black nationalist group). Some of the videos were short clips of the incident.

Covington Incident
If you fall into the number 1 category and read or listened to a news cast that gave you this information, you are probably a Liberal, a person who believes everything they are told, or an idiot. You listen to CNN, MSNBC or NPR. It should give you pause to the amount of bullshit the media pushes on the United States citizens. It was a HOAX by the media reports. This headline story is a perfect example of the fake news media. If you haven’t seen the entire incident and believe today’s media, this will show you they LIE.
If you fall into the number 2 category, then you a self thinking, reasonable, no quick to react or don’t believe in the news. Not trusting the media to follow the simple rule of no biases in reporting. This is a reason the media is Not and Should Not be trusted anymore. They alone perpetuated this LIE, and people then reacted to a news story at face value.
Do you know what happened next? Then a knee jerk reaction happened by the likes of the Catholic Church, Catholic Diocese, other news agencies and celebrities. Megan McCain, Saturday Night Live writer Sarah Beattie, actor Ed Asner, actor Tim Robbins have all reported negativity or ruthlessly of their outrage after getting false information on this incident.

Sarah Beattie – Saturday Night Live writer Tweet
Now because of the FAKE NEWS, the twitter realm is going APE SHIT crazy. Calling for death threats and physical harm to the kids.
Take a look at the twitter feeds on this link: Media Tweets Out False Narratives On Covington Teens
CNN also reported that the kids were doing the tomahawk chop. Which is not true. WTF?