I recently reviewed some headlines on CNN. Sometimes it’s good to see what the opposition is doing. I came upon this doozy and I had to click on it to […]
There have been many watchers of the CNN townhall that pitted citizens against political and the National Rifle Association in the forum calling it a fraud. One young man, a […]
The total of opportunities to intervene with the shooter has now grown to four (4) times. This means that the Broward County police, the FBI, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School […]
Lindsey Vonn just got rocked in the Olympics. Not only did she not get a medal in her Super G race, she didn’t in the other Downhill race either. After […]
An article about how the Social Justice Warriors need to be stopped. A father-daughter dance for elementary school students in Staten Island, New York has been nixed. Why you ask? […]
This is why CNN is pathetic and pushing an agenda. It’s peddling sexuality and not USA. CNN thinks we have met some milestone by somehow pushing the boundaries for inclusion […]
WTF is going on now? The only thing both sides agree on is MORE money and both Republican and Democrats seem to disagree on everything else. It looks like the […]
Eric Holder, former US attorney general is thinking of running for the highest office, the President of the United States. He was speaking to Rachel Maddow, “the boy wonder” of […]
Well, it shouldn’t be any big surprise for anyone but a Democrat. The latest government shut down is due to Senator Chuck “you” Schumer (D) from New York, representing the […]