Time for some political figures to go to Jail

Dan Bongino

It has come out recently that the narrative pushed by the elite media and the political leaders has been DEBUNKED.  According to news sources that are pushing the agenda to undermine the President of the United States for alleging collusion with Russia, it has been confirmed as a LIE and still the information being disseminated to Americans as truth by the media.

President Trump sent a tweet out November 27, 2018.

President Trump Tweet 11-28-2018

President Trump Tweet 11-28-2018

But, a champion of truth has come out with a good theory as to the plan that was instituted and by who. Of which, Donald Trump had information given to him by a government agency to provide corroboration to the REAL evidence and that this was all MADE UP to oust or disrupt his administration.  Watch as Dan Bongino provides a good and solid explanation of the events and who is to blame.



Like Dan says in the video, the history will come out and will provide the REAL cover up that came up.  He also provides very simple and to the point speech of the events in question.  I highly recommend this to every American to see all in the span of 25 minutes.