March on Washington full of Emotion, nothing else

The kids march on Washington DC and other state capitals occurred over Saturday. The kids emoted about the lack of adult solutions, yet offered very little to the actual fix to what happened. The narrative across the liberal news spectrum was CHANGE and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

WASHINGTON — Marjory Stoneman Douglas senior Emma Gonzalez stood silent, with tears streaming down her face, on a stage in front of thousands at Saturday’s March For Our Lives.

On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of students gathered in the nation’s capital and at sister marches across the country and around the world to deliver a powerful, unified message: Enough is enough.

“It’s unacceptable to me that our children live in fear of something like what’s been going on in our schools,” said Deb Sheridan, an eighth grade teacher from Leesburg, Virginia. “We need to address gun control issues and make our children feel safe in schools — that’s the one place that they should be going in and looking for an education, not worrying about their safety.”

I guess the saying see something, say something does mean shit.

The problem is that the federal and state all messed up. The signs were all there. Mental issues with the shooter in school, where was the school administration?

The local police, multiple calls about the shooter months before, going to his residence and yet not doing anything about confiscating his guns. Also, the police on scene during the shooting, not going into an active situation in the school. Both Failed!

Even the FBI had reports on serious threats, but weren’t able to follow or track down such public threats. Failed.

The actual feet on the ground people or agencies, didn’t take action, for different reasons.

So what are the kids solutions? Take away all the guns. Have congress make a law to reduce guns in the United States.

The two little kids, Emma and Hogg both the darlings of the day. Both spouting on the same drivel the main stream news agencies (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC) all push in narratives.

Thank goodness we have bright kids in some places, during the March 25 airing of Face the Nation, Parkland school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv suggested people looking for something to blame ought to be pointing at the “cowards of Broward County” rather than guns.

That won’t solve the issue. What we’ve seen is that there are certain things such as having — enforcing the regulation that’s currently in law. I mean we’ve seen on so many different levels that the cowards of Broward (ph) failed, the FBI failed, Sheriff Scott Israel failed. So many different multi-layered levels failed in Parkland. And it’s absolutely reprehensible that I didn’t see one single poster yesterday at the march that said f the NRA that — no, sorry, that said f Sheriff Scott Israel.

See…. someone else is getting the right message out.