Eric Holder running in 2020?

Eric-Holder on MSNB

Eric Holder, former US attorney general is thinking of running for the highest office, the President of the United States. He was speaking to Rachel Maddow, “the boy wonder” of MSNBC, about his thoughts on running and the current president of the United States.

Maddow then asked if Holder would “think seriously about running this year, sir?”

Holder responded he will “make a decision at the end of this year about what I want to do with regard to higher office.”

“I think any one of my kids would make a better president than Donald Trump. But, you know, I think there are any number of people who would be a better president than the person we now have in the White House, who has…broken through those norms, conducted himself in a way that’s inconsistent with what’s best about this nation, labeled people in very inappropriate ways, used inappropriate terms when talking about countries, turning his back on our immigrant heritage. Yeah, there are any number of people I think would be a better president than Donald Trump.”

This coming from the last administration which has a current investigation into at least federal improprieties and looking more like a treasonous actions of spying on US citizens with knowingly false information, not holding higher officials to the standards of the law across the board, and lying to the American people.

Yeah, I want this guy for president… what a putz.