It has come out recently that the narrative pushed by the elite media and the political leaders has been DEBUNKED. According to news sources that are pushing the agenda to […]
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has declared herself vindicated for a decades-long claim to be Cherokee, thanks to a DNA test she ordered in response to taunts from President Donald Trump, […]
Just in case the big sports fans have forgotten the history of the NFL in the past decade, here are some key events leading up to the allowance of players […]
The main stream media has decided to report about other things rather than reporting the large economic boom the United States is experiencing. How do we know? A study has […]
The facebook heads are looking to fight off the politics that plagued the previous major election. What they have laid out was five key points that it would like to […]
Recently, a video of Google Leadership showing their reaction to election results of November 2016 in a leaked video has come out. It shows Google’s first all-hands meeting following the […]
Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are serious. She is accusing him of violent attempted rape. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me. He was trying to attack me […]
Below is a letter from a Mole within the White House (allegedly) that was published by the New York Times: President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike […]
Here is an excerpt from John McCain’s last letter, personally I couldn’t stand to read the entire thing, so I you care to, here is the link to it from […]
Back in the spot light again is the all time chump of kneeling, Colin Krapernick. Seriously, of all the company’s he could link up with, it’s Nike. Well, okay, we […]
I find it hilarious that the media, which has been on the hunt to find ANYTHING to “get” the president on something that this dumb book has come up. Really, […]
The kids march on Washington DC and other state capitals occurred over Saturday. The kids emoted about the lack of adult solutions, yet offered very little to the actual fix […]
Facebook is now trying to clean up the “conservative bias” on their site, using Snopes. They are now cleaning up real big issues that plague their site, SATIRE! In a […]