Germany Stay the -F- OUT of OUR business

Hertha Soccer Team Knee

This is really NONE of their business.  This is internal to the United States, our Constitution, our Freedoms, and our RESPECT of the American Flag.   A German professional soccer team has decided to follow the NFL players in their protesting of the American National Anthem. WHY?

This incident was reported in Breitbart News.

BERLIN (AP) — Hertha Berlin nodded to social struggles in the United States by kneeling before its Bundesliga game at home on Saturday.

Hertha’s starting lineup linked arms and took a knee on the pitch, while coaching staff, officials and substitutes took a knee off it.

On Twitter, the Bundesliga club says, “Hertha BSC stands for tolerance and responsibility! For a tolerant Berlin and an open-minded world, now and forevermore!”

The action was intended to show solidarity with NFL players who have been demonstrating against discrimination in the U.S. by kneeling, sitting or locking arms through the anthem before games.

I basically think they should mind their OWN Fucking business.  This sediment is expressed in many other comments that I found:


German has enough problems of its own without showing solidarity to a bunch of bigoted, racist overpaid kids. Jobs are fleeing German for east European countries because taxes in Deutschland sind hoch, Entire neighborhoods in rural German are becoming muslim. Young women in many cities (Köln, for example) cannot go out alone at night for fear of being raped by muslims.

The German soccer team should pull their head out and worry about their own damn country.

Themfing Mfer:

Why do you care PERIOD? Is the kneeling taking food out of your mouth, money out of your pocket, or negatively affecting your life in any way whatsoever? Something is truly wrong with you people.


Exactly. What a bunch of attention-seeking losers they are. They have no idea how pathetically dumb they are being…