Denver Broncos still have NO clue why fans are MAD

Broncos kneel Sept 24 2017

From the Denver Post:

Title: Broncos players say they plan to stand together for national anthem

“We need to do our part and use our platform as NFL players to continue driving that positive change.”

So the Bronco’s players have stated that they want to use the “platform as NFL players to continue” this, but I submit this is using the NFL platform to continue this “protest”.

Broncos players announced Thursday in a statement that starting Sunday when they host Raiders they will stand together during the national anthem.

“Last week, members of our team joined their brothers around the NFL in a powerful display of unity,” the players said. “It was an emotional time for everyone, including the fans who support us each and every week. As controversial as it appeared, we needed to show our collective strength and resolve. Our voiced needed to be heard loud and clear.

It may have been loud, but NOT CLEAR. Most Americans don’t tune in for this crap, this is supposed to be entertainment.

“We may have different values and beliefs, but there’s one thing we all agree on: We’re a team and we stand together — no matter how divisive some comments and issues can be, nothing should ever get in the way of that. Starting Sunday, we’ll be standing together.”

This is a “tirade” against the President for calling them out.  Make no-mistake about it.

The team’s leadership council — which is composed of about 20 players including Brandon Marshall, Von Miller, Derek Wolfe, the entire secondary, Demaryius Thomas, Emmanuel Sanders and Brandon McManus — convened Wednesday to discuss their plan going forward and later informed head coach Vance Joseph.

They said “leadership council”….  HA HA.  So only 20 of them are radical enough to step forward with an opinion.

Last Sunday in Buffalo, 32 Broncos players knelt during the national anthem as a direct response to President Donald Trump’s comments that NFL owners should fire “son of a bitch” protesters. More than 200 players across the league took a knee during the anthem last weekend in the wake of Trump’s comments. Some teams refused to take the field during the playing of the anthem. Many other players, as well as NFL owners, linked arms.

They are Son of a Bitches, I would use some other derogatory names actually. Collin Kapernick started this crap LAST year because of the Ferguson, Missouri incident. Now, instead of a couple of morons, the NFL is continuing this ridiculous protest.

Players of many teams, including the Broncos, have said that their protests were not about the American flag or the military, but a show of disapproval of Trump’s comments and inequalities in the United States.

Here are statements from the NFL trying to defend the actions being taken during the National Anthem. And here again, they continue to emphasize this is not a protest of the military, the flag or those people who keep us safe. This is what the National Anthem stands for!

The Broncos’ players emphasized that message Thursday.

“Make no mistake — our actions were in no way a protest of the military, the flag or those who keep us safe. We have nothing but the deepest love and respect for those who protect our way of life and the freedoms we enjoy as Americans,” they said. “While there’s no greater country, it’s not perfect. Inequalities still exist, and we have work to do in ALL forms of social justice. We can all do better.

“It starts with us. We need to do our part and use our platform as NFL players to continue driving that positive change. Our locker room is one diverse place, and that’s what makes it so special. It’s where thoughtful, intelligent leaders from all different races, religions and backgrounds come together.”

Broncos general manager John Elway told the team’s website during his weekly address that he believes in standing for the anthem and that “hopefully, as we go forward, we can start concentrating on football a little bit more.”

Joseph offered a similar message; he too believes in standing for the anthem but he defended his players’ right to peacefully protest and reiterated that their actions were not directed toward the military.

“This thing has grown. It’s evolving every day. I’m not sure if we know what it’s about anymore. That’s the issue in my opinion,” Joseph said. “Our players have great respect for the military in my opinion. That was not the initial cause. It’s getting to be a confusing topic and I said on Monday that politics and football don’t mix. I want to keep it separate from our team, but it’s an issue and we need to address it.”

Quite frankly, I seriously doubt the owners and most other players that are going along with this little “protest” have NO IDEA what it’s about either.  Their agent probably told them to do it…