NFL will bear the consequences of the “SITTERS”

Boycott NFL now

I’m not watching the NFL anymore because of this stupidity, disrespect of the flag and the national anthem that my grandfathers fought to preserve is unacceptable. These fools need to keep their politics out of my sports.

The NFL will not take care of this pathetic protest of players that feel that their race has been slighted. Over the start of the weekend some players either sat or raised their fist in the air while the National Anthem was played before the start of the game.

Here is a list of the culprits:

Seattle’s Michael Bennett, Justin Britt, Thomas Rawls
Oakland’s Marshawn Lynch
Green Bay’s Martellus Bennett
Philadelphia Eagle’s Malcolm Jenkins
Los Angeles Ram’s Robert Quinn

America, you are either FOR the United States or against it. Time to boycott!  Here are comments from other fans.

All these assholes are a joke and the reason I watched no football today. And I’m pretty sure their protests have had zero effect on the justice system or the crime rate amongst minorities. But keep sitting and kneeling, douchehounds. Gonna be funny when you start taking pay cuts because viewership is down….again.

and another thought from someone else.

The NFL has nobody to blame but themselves. They can end this at any time by just telling players that they are employees, this is our place of business and in our place of business you will stand reverently for the National Anthem. Anybody disobeying will be subject to fines and suspension. Hell, they don’t mine disciplining a player for throwing the ball into the stands after a touchdown….they even feel they can suspend a player, take a half million dollars of his money for something that allegedly happened off the field…something local law enforcement said there was not enough evidence to support a criminal charge yet the goody goody Goodell says not in my league….well, folks, just keep joining me in tuning out until the league grows a set of testicles and puts it’s foot down on this nonsense.