Here we go, teaching SEX to 4 year olds

Defund Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood goes after Pre-K kids to teach your kid that their gender doesn’t limit them, and how to talk about different kinds of families, how to know if your kid is transgender.

Are you kidding me?? What psycho group goes after innocent kids that just want to play and have fun. This is fuckin insane!!  Check out this excerpt from their article.

Children as young as 4 are not too young to be told that gender and sex are different and that their genitals don’t indicate their gender, according to new Planned Parenthood guidelines for parents.

On a page of its website titled “How do I talk with my preschooler about their body?” the abortion provider says if a child inquires why boys and girls have different bodies, a parent should introduce the concept of transgender identity.

Critics, mainly from conservative ranks, say Planned Parenthood’s encouragement of parents to discuss gender identity with children who barely can string a sentence together and haven’t yet learned the alphabet is preposterous.

Apparently, 40% of the Planned Parenthood get their budget from the Federal Government. That is approximately $500 million dollars.

Should we tax payers be paying for this SHIT!

Putting daughters in pink princess rooms and boys in blue sports rooms before they’re old enough to choose for themselves can send the message that they have to like certain things because of their gender.

Yeah, 4 year olds can think for themselves, however, parents should help direct their kids in the right direction. They can make a choice when they are old enough to decide for themselves.

Try 18-21 years old.