Huh? Joe Scarborough from MSNBC was a Republican?

Joe Scarborough on Late Show

MSNBC host and former GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough is leaving the Republican party. In Part because he is disgusted that ‘time and time again IT has ‘turned a blind eye to racist Trump’. Scarborough made the announcement during an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert as he was interviewed alongside his Morning Joe co-host and fiancĂ©e Mika Brzezinski.

I’m not sure what kind of drugs this guy is taking, or maybe the woman he is going to marry is pushing the agenda now…. but this dude has lost it. I would consider that he was NEVER part of the Republican Party. He never stood for many issues that were considered “Republican”.

‘I am a Republican but I’m not gonna be a Republican anymore. ‘I’m gonna become an Independent.’

Independent, my ass. He should be truthful and say that he will be a Democrat.