One Day away from Fundamentally “Fixing” the Change in America

Change ahead sign

We hope that in the next 24 hours Donald Trump becomes the next president of the United States. We are one Day away from fundamentally “Fixing” the change that has occurred under the worst president since Jimmy Carter.

All the indicators that “grade” a president have been “changed” or skewed to deceive the American public over the past 7 years.

The economic growth in the United States, the jobless numbers, fake statistics on deaths from police, stories about police, health care costs, illegal immigration, islam, and singling out American people or institutions by the Internal Revenue Service. The corruption has become so deep, and in the most prominent parts of our government. Hence the power is being centralized and violating our constitutional rights.  It’s time to drain the swamp.

We hope the American people REALIZE that the Clinton Criminal Machine has to be defeated.

Some fundamental American Ideals have to be corrected:

Laws Followed. Rules are for everyone across the board.
Justice for all.  Justice is supposed to be blind.
Media corruption and collusion. The News Media should be the watch dog of the Government.
Balance of Power.  We have 3 branches of government in order to balance the power.

Go Trump!  Heal America.  Make her great again!

Here is a video: Cute Little girl goes on Hillary Rant.  YouTube video.