Hollywood Elites are FREAKING OUT that TRUMP might win

The Hollyweird sign

The mood around Hollywood is one of real concern, and they should be.  The question on their minds, could Donald Trump pull off an upset on election day?

We have all seen the outspoken Actors announcing their intentions of moving or living in other locations around the world:

Miley Cyrus
Whoopi Goldberg
Samuel L. Jackson
George Lopez
Al Sharpton
Jon Stewart
Eddie Griffin

Well good riddance.  Bye.

From the Variety web site, your can see what these elitist types are thinking right now.

Some industry figures say they are losing sleep. Others say that business conversations inevitably turn to the latest polls or of other potential “bombshells.” Others who haven’t warmed up to Clinton say that they fear getting into political conversations at all.

“I’m fucking terrified,” said writer-director Adam McKay, via email. “If Trump were to win we will see a dismantling of our democracy we cannot imagine. I know that sounds dramatic but I think it’s a safe bet. I’m hoping silent sane Americans rise up to stamp down this ugliness. At the end of the day I still believe humans are getting better and smarter and that Trump is a burp from a bygone era.”

He says we will see a dismantling of our democracy we cannot imagine. This dude has no clue. Where has this asshole been?  We have been seeing this for quite some time and he thinks IT MIGHT happen, try the last 7 years…

Government corruption
Government collusion
Media collusion
Media Lies
Presidential power over reach

These Hollywood people ARE in fantasy land.