Video: Hillary bribes the Newsies and FBI. Collusion not reported.


Wikileaks has confirmed that the main stream media has already chosen sides and no longer a partial onlooker. Hillary’s campaign leading up to her start, bribed the major media stars and gave direction on how to give Clinton the best coverage for her.

Some even went as far as sending in pre-written articles for adjudication and approval!

From the Media Resource Center on Fox Business network, here is Brent Bozell with the highlights.

The even bigger story is the FBI scandal:

Bozell and Varney and Co. host Stuart Varney also discussed another other big story, that Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe donated $500,000 to the campaign of the wife of an FBI official who eventually oversaw the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal.

The MRC President blasted, “This is bribery. This is bribery of the FBI and it’s not even covered. This is astounding. So, the bottom line is Donald Trump is 100 percent correct that this is a rigged media against him.”