Funny – Loretta Stench fighting against fraud and corruption


In a speech, outside the country, the presiding U.S. Attorney General, made an official statement that its aiming at fighting against fraud and corruption.

When you get done laughing your ass off, please continue to read…

Reported by  She gave remarks in Rome, Italy on Thursday to law enforcement officials and leaders she said:

I have seen firsthand how corruption, at bottom, is about breaking trust. It is about undermining citizens’ belief in their elected officials. It is about betraying the people’s faith that when public monies are spent on services for citizens – from infrastructure to education – none of those funds will be misappropriated for selfish ends. And it is about poisoning the civic spirit of a people – displacing passion with cynicism, and solidarity with suspicion.

And that is why the U.S. Department of Justice has made it a priority to root out, prosecute, and prevent corruption.

The attorney general went on to praise the work of the U.S. Attorney Offices and the FBI, which, she said, “have prosecuted and convicted corrupt officials at all levels of the American government.”

Wow! I mean Wow! When was this?? Back in the 1970’s maybe…

Instead of Justice for all, it should be more Justice for Black folks, to make up the difference White Folk took too much of…

With the evidence of Wikileaks showing the collusion of the FBI, US State Department, the US Attorney’s Office and Hillary Clinton, what the HELL is this bitch talking about?

If you can’t find the irony picturing Loretta saying the pledge of allegiance to America, and the statement “Justice for ALL” in it.  Then you are truly stupid.