Google in cahoots with Hillary

Google in cahoots

Well, well, well, Google is in cahoots with Hillary. WikiLeaks has released emails that appear to show Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google parent company Alphabet, working directly with the Clinton campaign.

An attachment to the email written by Teddy Goff, a former Obama campaign Digital Director now working for the Clinton campaign, appears to discuss “Working relationships with Google, Facebook, Apple, and other technology companies.” Goff further states that the Clinton campaign has “begun having discreet conversations with some of these companies.”

Google have previously been accused of manipulating search results in favor of Clinton, while WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has outright claimed that Google is “directly engaged” in the Clinton campaign. With recent revelations that Sheryl Sandberg worked to organize meetings between Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the Clinton campaign, it seems that many Silicon Valley elites are attempting to align themselves heavily with the Democratic presidential nominee.

Brietbart News has more on the story.