Fake Outrage and fake support brought to you by Clinton

Hillarys Army Cartoon

Even when Hillary was “SELECTED” by her party leaders and “NOT ELECTED” by her party, she has continued on the same path, create FAKE support and even FAKE outrage.

Being in the social media online, it seems many can pick out the “TROLLS”.   But this verifies the observations….

From The Stream:

The Clinton SuperPAC Correct the Record, which is affiliated with her campaign, acknowledged in an April press release that it was spending $1 million on project “Breaking Barriers” to pay people to respond to negative information about Clinton on social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and Twitter.

and now more money is being poured into the effort!!!

That amount has since increased to over $6 million. The trolls create a false impression that Clinton has more support than she really does, because one supporter will frequently create multiple anonymous accounts.

Brian Donahue, chief executive of the consulting firm Craft Media/Digital, explained the troll operation to The Los Angeles Times, “It is meant to appear to be coming organically from people and their social media networks in a groundswell of activism, when in fact it is highly paid and highly tactical.”

Ok Clinton supporters… you have been PUNKED again.  When are YOU going to figure it out?

Liberal, a special kind of Stupid.