Colorado doesn’t like Hillary

Colorado Trump Sign

Colorado is in a virtual tie for its 9 electoral votes. According the average on several polls, Hillary is only a few points ahead.

Ballotpedia average (9/9 – 10/2):
Clinton (D)  – 42.2%
Trump (R) – 39%
Johnson (L) – 9.3%
Stein (G) – 3%

But, it looks like Colorado doesn’t like Hillary. There are more signs that Trump has the advantage. Here is a local area photo of how the state feels.

Colorado Trump Sign

Colorado Trump Sign

This is in El Paso County, outside of a Military Installation. The signs say:

“Melania Trump A first lady we can be proud of”

“We all know that Hillary belongs in jail. She is no good for our gun rights. She is no good for America.”

“Goodbye Obama. You are the worst president we have ever had.”

“Goodbye Michelle. You did nothing for our country but spend taxpayers money.”

Hillary for Prison

Hillary for Prison
