Time to Boycott the NFL

Boycott NFL now

Well, I think it’s time to Boycott the NFL.

First, last month the NFL refused to allow the Dallas Cowboys to wear decals on their helmets showing support for the Dallas Police Department, which lost five officers in one terrible attack in July.


Cowboys-decal 2016

Second, the NFL has officially banned Tennessee Titans linebacker Avery Williamson from wearing cleats custom made as a memorial to the victims and first responders who fell in the line of duty during that terrible day on 9/11.



Third, Colin Kaepernick was allowed to wear “pig socks” and the NFL didn’t fine him or admonish him for the disrespect of the police.

Colin Kaepernick - Pig socks

Colin Kaepernick – Pig socks

Now, the NFL is allowing players to protest AGAINST the “National Anthem” by taking a knee and not standing with respect to the United States flag.

I’d like to hear Roger’s lame-ass liberal excuse as to why Kapernick can wear his supremely offensive “pig cops” athletic socks but 9/11 tribute cleats deserve an immediate crackdown.

It’s too obvious where this wuss stands politically. My opinion of Goodell has gone from luke-warm to total bug-eyed outrage. There needs to be a massive grassroots movement amongst NFL fans and supporters to force the NFL to oust Goodell. He is single handedly ruining this organization. Where have you gone Pete Rozelle!

The NFL has become a joke and politicized with double standard and one sponsor for a clue when they dropped a player who protested so hit them where hurts in their pocketbooks since fans pay for things like tickets, merchandise etc..

Football used to be fun and just hang out and relax now it’s a joke. There aren’t enough balls in this country to run a personal boycott against the NFL. People are sheep!

I pledge to boycott the NFL altogether. Who’s with me? This unpatriotic league, these spoiled, overpaid jerks aren’t worth a second of our time or our money