Whatever: No Impropriety to travel on Air Force One with a sitting Prez! (not)

Air Force One Airplane

A sitting President now is campaigning on the tax payer’s dime for someone else. This, right after the “Hilldabeast” Clinton was allowed to Skate free of “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information”.

So now, Clinton and Dumbo took a plane to Charlotte, North Carolina for a campaign rally for Clinton.

Donald Trump on Tuesday ratcheted up his criticism of President Barack Obama’s travel aboard Air Force One to help Hillary Clinton, ripping into the president for his campaign trip to North Carolina at taxpayers’ expense.

“Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary. A total disgrace!” Trump tweeted Tuesday, hours before Clinton and Obama are scheduled to fly from Joint Base Andrews to Charlotte, North Carolina, for their first joint appearance.

As conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has uncovered, a typical trip aboard Air Force One costs upwards of $200,000 per hour.

Under guidelines first adopted by the Reagan administration in 1982, and formalized by Congress in 2009, she would be obligated to reimburse taxpayers for at least some portion of Obama’s North Carolina trip, under a formula at the discretion of the White House.

So…. how much is this costing the US taxpayer?   Probably the whole amount minus only $500 dollars.