Illegal Aliens from Mexico, Gaming the US Taxpayers


In Texas, McKinney Boyd High School valedictorian Larissa Martinez mentioned she was Yale University bound when she stood before a packed auditorium and declared: “I am one of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the shadows of the United States.”

Illegal Valedictorian

Illegal Valedictorian

She goes on to blame the US for her “illegal status”.

She asserted: “We are here without official documentation because the U.S. immigration system is broken and it has forced many families to live in fear.”

This mantra is over repeated by so many political hacks, media talking heads and pro-amnesty types! This is bullshit and can’t be defended by the Immigration and Naturalization Services and US Border Patrol. Both entities can’t say a DAMN thing about it because they are forced to be silent by the government.

This bitch needs to thank the US people for allowing her to be here and to thank GOD she is here. Otherwise, she should Shut the Fuck Up and go back to Mexico.  Go back and fix your fucking country.

She is a liar and cheat even though she has achieved a distinction in high school.

If I, as an American citizen, stood before a group of people and proudly admitted to a home invasion, would I be applauded and given hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of free stuff? Of course not, I would be arrested, thrown in jail and suffer the consequences of a ruined reputation.

These illegal college bound idiots are better served keeping their mouths shut. There is nothing remotely courageous about cheating the system and playing the “Don’t hate the player, hate the game” card.

This article portions were taken from Breitbart News.