LA Times: ObamaCare is not a Disaster..


If you read this trash newspaper and believe this crap, you’re an idiot. Here is what Michael Hiltzik reports from the LA Slimes.  No wonder Californian’s are brain dead.

According to government estimates, the percentage of people in America have “health coverage” went from 20% to about 12-13%, generally speaking.

The overall uninsured rate has been cut by nearly half, from 20.3% in 2012 to 11.5% now. The trend includes every ethnic group and both genders; for whites and non-Hispanic blacks, the reduction in the uninsured rate exceeds 50%, and for Hispanics the rate has come down from 41.8% to 30.5%.

Republicans and even I have been calling this atrocity a job killer. Meaning jobs are changing from Full time to Part time gigs. Why you ask? Well, it’s because the law of micro economics. It has PROVEN that if a small business has to take on more FINACIAL liabilities of a worker, you can see 1 of 2 things happen.

1) The money to support additional expenses to an employee (healthcare) goes up, then the number of workers will have to go down. (Less Full time workers can be AFFORDED)

2) or A “FULL TIME” Employee hours will be cut. (The “part time” employees are not applicable to the healthcare law)

Either way, the amount of money a worker can make then in that job will be reduced, by either hours or money taken out of the paycheck for their healthcare expenses.  So the jobs are being split, 1 full time job is becoming 2 part time jobs.

That’s probably where the “JOBS” increase is coming from. Personally, I don’t believe the crap Job numbers coming out anyway. They are manufactured. Whoop-deee-do.

Here is one of their statements to analyze:

Meanwhile, total employment has consistently risen. In February, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, the economy added 242,000 jobs. “Premiums have stayed steady and the total program cost is under budget,” blogger Kevin Drum observed. “If this is a disaster, we could use a few more disasters like it.”

“Meanwhile, total employment has consistently risen.“

–(These are totally Cooked Numbers by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics)

“Premiums have stayed steady and the total program cost is under budget,” blogger Kevin Drum observed.

–(Premiums are 10% HIGHER as the average for the 50 United States.  California went down by 5% somehow) See each state cost changes in this chart.

“..the total program cost is under budget.”

— Obamacare Roll out cost: $600 Million OVER budget

Shocking data released Thursday by a highly regarded Bloomberg government analyst put the Obamacare website rollout cost at over $1 billion. This represents a $600 million increase over the price tag usually associated with the Affordable Care Act, according to the Government Accountability Office.

What the Fuck are they looking at…

The people “not looking” are not counted in numbers. Hence, the cooking of the books, fabricating the numbers, it’s a farce.  Labor Participation Rate has gone from 66% (DEC 2007) to 63% (April 2016).

The other thing that needs to be mentioned, the people with healthcare, have seen their RATES GO UP. So the “Affordable” health is going away.  Many are losing their existing health plans and cannot afford it, then taking money from the government to subsidize the difference.

The stupid and FALSE statement from the president, “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”.

So, in conclusion, it was all lies from the President on down about the Health Care law passed, like many on the right concluded earlier, it wouldn’t work!!