Paul Nehlen set to take Paul Ryan’s seat in Congress.

Paul Nehlen-for Congress

A contender for the House of Representative’s seat and current House Speaker Paul Ryan is in full gear. Paul Nehlen is the guy to take on Ryan and get him voted out from Wisconsin.

From a radio interview on SiriusXM:

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Wisconsin primary opponent Paul Nehlen said of Ryan on Saturday, “He has betrayed us all, hasn’t he? He says he’s for a secure border. Then what’s he do? He funds every dangerous immigration policy through this $1.8 trillion omnibus. What he funded was all his special interest buddies.”

Nehlen pointed out again that 83 percent of Ryan’s camapign donations come from D.C., not his home district:

“The vast majority comes in the form of large campaign donations from inside the D.C. Beltway. … He sold his vote. He sold his vote. The same people that are donating to his campaign want these open border initiatives. This isn’t a Free Trade deal.”

As for immigration, “We have got to secure the border and enforce existing immigration laws,” Nehlen stated. “We could secure the border in 72 hours. We could.” He then asserted, “We just don’t have the political will in Washington.”

I like this guy from Wisconsin, he needs some support to whip our Speaker of House.

Send Paul Nehlen to Washington!