Steven Crowder went to the University of Massachusetts (UMass) to co-panel an event called “The Triggering” with Christina Hoff Sommers and Milo Yiannopoulos.
Well as bad luck would have it, a leftist protester, or social justice warrior (SJW) was having none of that. Trying to make a scene at the beginning of the forum, we you can watch this…
A highlight:
To the social justice warrior: “Do you have any idea sir how pathetic it must be to be you?”
“These opinions that you’re yelling out, they’re not even your opinions, they’re your opinions from your gender studies professor and the real reason you pick it is you thought it was your best chance at getting laid. Only to realize that your very glance in the direction of a woman causes a barren womb.”
Steven Crowder put the smack down.