So on April 12, 2016, the US Senate allows a Singer-Songwriter from U2, Bono to come and give his “professional opinion” about what the United States should do with our money […]
No big surprise that Trump/Clinton won the New York primaries. With some of the largest population of “New York city Republicans”, there is no surprise that Trump won. Clinton just […]
The Media Research Center and Brent Bozell have completed research to prove that Trump has received favorable air time than any other Republican candidate out there. A team of MRC […]
A poll conducted by the Media Insight Project, a joint project of the American Press Institute and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, finds the American media’s popularity […]
Well, surprise! No one wants to protect the president or the other heads of state. Why would they want to? The dunderheads that they are protecting are little bitches, self-serving […]
United Healthcare is pulling out of Obamcare exchanges next year. Why you ask? It’s losing over $1 Billion dollars. They aren’t the only ones either, from Breitbart: The Associated Press notes […]