Settled: England is a “Pushover” by Islam

Islamic Jjihad in Prision

There are “no go zones” in some cities of England. These “no go zones” are city areas or blocks
where Muslims have congregated to live.   In it, these Muslims have decided that they have made the Rule of Law for “their” area as different than those of the host country.

Now, you have proof that even in the English Prison Systems, “no go zones” are occurring too. Why call it prison then? Call it a country club for Islam. Here is an article that states the fact that the inmates are running the prison. How F’ing ridiculous is that?

From Breitbart, this article covers more details.

But I submit to you that is precisely happening here in the United States Prison system too. Just at a Lower level, only because I have a feeling that the Mexican gangs, being mostly Catholic in its Beliefs, are keeping it at bay.

The “no go” cities are starting to crop up in the United States too. I would say that in Michigan and Minnesota are the two states where this is beginning.