Laughable: Fox News Contributor on Hillary Classified emails


So, the all-knowing, intelligent Fox News senior political contributor Brit Hume believes the there was no intent in the case of Hillary Clinton classified emails.
Brit Hume pisses me off.  Ignorance is no excuse and actually Brit Hume is talking nonsense. In his opinion, the indictment is not a slam dunk.

Breitbart News has more on the story.

Partial transcript as follows from the show “Out Numbered”:

HUME: Worth remembering, David Petraeus was convicted of a misdemeanor. Now that was bargained down no doubt. But if you look at—I read various legal analyses of these—and a good case can be made there is an indictable felony here, and very good case can also be made there is not. My guess is that she won’t be indicted.

HARRIS: Agreed.

HUME: Think about this for a minute. If you come down to it, and she is nominated by one of the major parties, and you have not a huge case, and you don’t have any criminal intent, are you going to indict? Is it wise to indict a nominee of a major party? Is that the right way to do it? Is that the right thing to do?

HARRIS: Well it is if there is a crime.

TANTAROS: Not only that, Brit, the fact that her staff took the classified information and moved it to a public server, and then the conspiracy to try and hide it, that alone is a felony punishable up to 10 years.

HUME: It is. Who is likely to be indicted? I think —

(cross talk)

TANTAROS: I agree she won’t get indicted.

(cross talk)

HUME: They might indict members of her staff. Whether they will indict her I think is very much in doubt.


“Is it wise to indict a nominee of a major party??”  Huh?  This has nothing to do with intent and everything with national security and the care of that information.  Clinton, of ALL people should be aware of this item.

So, in this instance we can elevate her to a higher level of security knowledge in the hope that this won’t be a problem then.  I bet she would be spilling the beans at regular intervals in her speeches or press conferences’.

Yeah, let’s not DO ANYTHING and ignore this, so that she can do it at the Presidential level OR because she is in the elite class.