Collusion among the GOP “Trusted” Ranks and Fox News

For some time now, many of the blogs and commenters on those blogs have been saying this already, Fox News was in the tank for “illegal amnesty“.  Apparently, there was collusion with Marco Rubio and Fox News (Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdock).

Brietbart News is reporting that a meeting was initiated by Marco Rubio in January 2013 to get relief from the blasting by the media. The report states he arrived alongside Senator Chuck Schumer at the executive dining room of News Corporation’s Manhattan headquarters for dinner.

Mr. Rubio also reached out to other conservative influential media types, including the radio hosts Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham.  He tried telling all of the contacted people that the legislation that he was proposing did not amount to amnesty.

Well guess what, Marco came from the side of the TEA Party to defeat the like of Charlie Crist to make it to the Senate floor. Then, so it seems with most federal representatives, they get “Brainwashed” from the corrupt DC mentality.

Look, Marco Rubio should be struck from the list of Presidential Material.
1) He can’t be trusted.
2) He doesn’t stand for anything he says, which means he can be turned.
3) He’s a weasel.

Marco thanks for playing.