Debate Number 10! Cruz, Trump, Carson, Rubio.

Ted Cruz

Ok, really there was Trump, Cruz, Carson, Rubio and Kasich.  But lets be honest, Kasich needs to drop out.  Carson, well, his time is nearly up.

According to other political pundits, Rubio blasted Trump in this debate.  So did Cruz, and after the debate, Ted Cruz’s campaign has come out with a short video exposing Trump’s lie in the debate where he claimed he never said the government should pay for everyone’s health care.

Two things bother me on Trump:

  1. Trump has said that he was for the “Mandate”.
  2. Do people realize that Trump game money to Senator Harry Reid (D) Representative Nancy Pelosi (D)?

Those Two things bother me greatly.  Basically, if he is for the Mandate, then he is for government control of our Health Care.

The other, giving money to Democrats is a BIG NO NO in my book.  I really don’t care even if he says it was for “business” purposes.