Minnesota Representative Cover up

Capitol Hill- watch out

Minnesota has a brand new representative from it’s state, but instead of speaking for the state, it is speaking from another authority. Can you tell which it is? This Minnesota representative is covering up it’s true beliefs and intentions.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) told an interviewer Tuesday that she “almost chuckle[s]” at the idea that Israel is a democracy because it is a “Jewish state.”

Omar, who has a long history of anti-Israel rhetoric, was speaking with Zainab Salbi of Yahoo! News.

She argued that U.S. foreign policy was biased toward Israel over the Palestinians, saying that it had “always been aggravating to me” that “we have had a policy that makes one superior to the other, and we mask it with a conversation that’s about justice, and a two-state solution, when you have policies that clearly prioritize one over the other.”

Omar went on to compare Israel to Iran, a theocracy that is one of the world’s most repressive regimes, saying that the U.S. should “call out” Israel for its supposedly similar democratic lapses.

Democratic Party leaders have insisted this week that Omar and fellow first-year left-wing Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan are not antisemitic, despite statements by both that evoke Jewish stereotypes.

Here is the problem in a nut shell.

The Arabic word for the non-Muslim is Kafir, sometimes translated as infidel or unbeliever.  In Islamic doctrine there is nothing positive about the Kafir.   Allah hates Kafirs and plots against them.  Islam is not a religion, but a complete civilization.  Islam has a position or rule for every aspect of life. It is a religion, culture and political system, a complete way of life. Totalitarianism is a political system of absolute power where the state has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.

more details on Islam. Oh, and here is the video of the Minnesota representative, I mean Muslim representative.

There is no reason that Islam and America can co-exist, like oil and water.  Below is a comment from a reader. He gets it…

Ilhan Omar is an enemy Muslim invader, i.e., a stealth demographic jihadists, and her sole purpose for invading and infiltrating America and the West is to sabotage, subvert, undermine and destabilize our non-Muslim unbeliever society from within for the long-term strategic purpose of eventual stealth demographic conquest.

Meanwhile, what is going on in tiny Israel is the so-called Palestinian Muslims are waging a jihad against the non-Muslim Jewish unbelievers in tiny Israel, the same way Ilhan Omar is waging a stealth jihad against America and the West.

As the sole fundamental purpose of the horrible evil scourge of Islam is to make itself and all of those that follow that very horrible evil scourge of Islam supreme throughout the world via a jihad. Which is a civilizational holy war the Koran defines as a jihad waged preemptively against all non-Muslim unbelievers throughout the world without any provocation and via all means necessary in the cause of Allah to ultimately make the horrible evil scourge of Islam and all of those that follow that very horrible evil scourge of Islam supreme throughout the world via the eventual worldwide imposition of Sharia, which is draconian Islamic totalitarian law.

As a jihad, is not terrorism perpetrated by a tiny minority of so-called Islamic extremists and as the globalist lunatic left insist. Instead, it’s a civilizational holy war waged preemptively mostly as a Cold War with only sporadic violent acts of jihad perpetrated here and there. However, most of it takes place clandestinely and stealthily underneath the radar.