Ex-Conservative Bill Kristol goes Rogue

Bill Kristol, a Foreign-policy hawk and editor at the Weekly Standard, Tweeted out his preference for a political victory by “the deep state” above the nation’s laws and over President Donald Trump’s voters and policies. Breitbart News reports what this means:

The “deep state” is jargon for the semi-hidden army of bureaucrats, officials, retired officials, legislators, contractors and media people who support and defend established government policies.

Those “deep state” officials include the intelligence, law-enforcement and national security officials who worked in President Barack Obama’s administration but who are still working in permanent or temporary positions in the White House and in surrounding agencies. Many of those officials are believed to be leaking information from within the White House to allies in the anti-Trump media, including Kristol.

Kristol is a sniveling, embittered crybaby little bitch. His traitorous, open borders, globalist sell out politics were soundly repudiated by all proud, freedom loving Americans. He’s irrelevant and pathetic little bitch.  I said he was a little bitch, right?

As you can see, he got an astounding 498 likes on twitter!!!

Kristol Tweet

These comments from another blog have good sentiments.

So here we have this smug, superior globalist calling for the overthrow of a duly elected President by unelected, and evidently unaccountable bureaucrats. Treason.
It’s bad enough we’ve got members of pedophile rings in Congress and throughout our society. Now we’ve got ‘Deep State’ traitors, people who count themselves above the law in order to push Globalist, Neocon policies. Traitors.  Traitors all. Haul them all out and prosecute them to the full extent of the law! If there are death penalties handed out, let them be executed publicly! The swamp MUST be FULLY DRAINED!!!


Take Back Our Media-
“deep state” = deep swamp
ABCNNBCBS = Swamp Media
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Schumer, Pelosi = Swamp Jockeys